Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Industrial Water Processing and Filters - My Understanding in 30 Minutes

Industrial water use is essential for many processes, such as paper, oil and even gasoline production, water may be used to dilute and cool a product, for example. Industries must effectively treat water that they use in order to not only reduce the costs of their processes but also their environmental impact. One way, in recent news, to reduce these costs is advances in the filters that are in place in a certain industrial process.

If there are various particles and waster materials in the water part of the process then the process cannot be fully up to standard or it may even not be able to perform the process correctly, so filters are needed. However, the acidity or alkalinity of a process impacts the wear on filters, which can also cause a problem. The use of metal and polymeric filters is actually not as effective as the use of ceramic materials. The two types of ceramic filters are, Alumina and Silicon Carbide. I always thought of ceramics just as plates and pots! Yet they can also be useful in filtering techniques. Ceramics themselves have many useful properties such as durability, resistance to heat, and inertness. The inertness from my understanding must be one of the properties, which makes it a good material for a filter in industry, as water can sometimes be acidic and alkaline depending on the process, so resistance to corrosion must definitely be a good property. The ceramic filter can also be made to have fine pore sizes to ensure better filtration for the water process.

Sources used:
[1] http://www.engineerlive.com/content/advances-filter-technology-industrial-water-processing

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